A typical schedule for a bathroom or restroom renovation project might be as follows. The durations and activities and sequencing can vary according to size of the project and specific project circumstances. But overall, the activities and sequencing can be as follows. Patch existing floor to accept new flooring 3d Infill slab at removed toilet […]
When doing quantity takeoffs for masonry bricks, please make sure that you not only look at the plan and the exterior elevations, but also the flashing details as well, in the case of a building exterior brick. Those details will most probably show you the detail of where the brick is extending below the slab […]
In most many small companies, the procedures for handling extra work is not very well established. In order to make sure that everyone on the jobsite complies with the paperwork for extra work is to implement an extra work ticketing system. This means, whenever an extra work will be performed, it must go through the […]
When writing work scopes, have your specs and drawings open in front of you all the time and try not to duplicate what is already indicated in those documents. What you should primarily include in your work scope mainly are, clarifying the areas that the subcontractor might tell you later that it wasn’t part of […]
Per the PMBOK (r) , the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Project Schedule uses the most number of inputs and is used by the most number of processes or documents, either directly or indirectly. Also, the most number of processes fall under the Planning process group. (see Pages 61 and 173 of PMBOK(r) Edition 5). […]
In a schedule, calculating overall duration based on probabilities can be very counterintuitive. For example lets say there are few activities in parallel, and lets assume they all have same start date and same most likely duration. And also let’s assume that their most likely duration to finish is 10 days, minimum expected duration is […]
Construction projects usually cost a lot of money, usually more in comparison to other types of projects in other industries, because construction involves materials, labor, equipment, and it is affected by so many factors from real life. For example, you can call a software project of $5 million in size a very large project to […]
This post is written from a General Contractor point of view. below we will list some key items to be considered when processing submittal logs. All the materials you use on a project will need a formal submittal that needs to be approved by the Architect, Engineers and other consultants as applicable. The making of […]
Below we will explain how to create a new project i Primavera P6 Picture 1: The first thing you do is to select EPS, Enterprise Project Structure. This will determine where your project will reside. This is important in the sense that the resources and rates available for your project as well as the group […]
When a project is considered to be undertaken or not, the decision involves a business case, make or buy decision and analyzing the costs vs benefits. The things that need to get approved before a project is executed are: The work scope, drawings and specifications, the contracts between the buyer and sellers, at a minimum […]